Comfortable but not for rocky hiking - I have a very wide foot so my choices are limited when looking for a quality hiking boot. I wore out my last pair from LL Bean and was in a hurry to get a new pair and break them in before hiking in Europe this summer. These boots are delightful comfortable, like a gym shoe. The drawback is that they feel like gym shoes when you are hiking. If you hike on dirt packed paths or forest paths covered in leaves and pine needles then this is a great boot. The sole is very soft and will conform to whatever you step on. I'm a fairly strong hiker and these were murder to wear on the rocky trails of Arizona and the Italian Alps. I tried putting in sole supports to stiffen the sole. It helped but the boots just aren't made for rugged hiking. I threw mine away after completing a two day hike in Italy. Very comfortable but not a "hiking" boot.

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