Bought the shoes as I wanted a light weight hiking shoe for the summer months that could also be used as an everyday shoe for around town. Wanted a shoe that I could wear with or without socks. I really like the look of this shoe, immediately got compliments and one friend bought a pair. The size 8 of these shoes fit well without socks, even though my toes were at the tip. Decided to get a 8.5 so that I could wear socks with them and this size was great with socks, but too big to wear without socks. The heel of the shoe wears loose on me, even though it has a adjustable heel strap. The heel strap seems to be for more of a look than a practical function. Tightening it only made the heel pucker. Also, the purple material around the shoe that touches your skin is scratchy. Notice when I wore socks with the shoe, that this material picked up fuzz off the sock, had to pick this off the shoe material. One day got caught in a down pour and had to walk 1.5 miles to get to my car. Was wearing these shoes without socks and got blisters on both heels as I could not tighten the heel strap tight enough to keep the heel from slipping. Felt if the material was softer or smoother, it would not have caused the blisters. With that being said, these shoes really gripped the pavement and wet rocky trails. Despite the problem with the heel slippage, I am going to keep these shoes as I do like the look, the light weight, and the ability to wear them on different type terrain. Will buy heel inserts so that when I wear them without socks, I have a more secure heel fit.

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