A Warning - I felt I owed it to shoppers, particularly at this price point, to warn of a defect with this specific style (my comfort rating reflects a repair). In my pair, the insole happened to sit below the outer ridge/seam (marked by the black stitching all around the shoe), allowing the outer edge of my foot to rest directly on the very hard stitched ridge (in the semi-circle cut-out), which after a few hours of wear left an actual dent in the soul of my foot. Needless to say this was not comfortable, and would have prevented my being able to wear them very long if I hadn't had a cobbler fix them . Of course I didn't discover this defect until I'd worn them outside, which precluded returning them. The cobbler was fairly skilled, and shaped some rubber to raise the insole to be flush with the stitched edge, which allows me to wear them now in relative comfort. Still, having to spend more money to fix a brand-new shoe kind of stinks. I should note that my feet are of average width, with no other issues...so it isn't my weird feet! I do own another pair of Naot's, the Paris sandals, which don't allow the foot to make contact with that outer ridge, and they are just fine. So yes, it worked out in the end...but I wouldn't want another buyer to go through the same ordeal. Of course another pair may not have had the same problem, but I believe it's an issue with this style.

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